Parasites And Your Health

When people complain of chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, and all the G.I. tests are negative, there is a big chance that parasites, amoebas or yeast are the cause.
Parasitic infections can and do inhabit our immune systems and digestive tracts, as well as all other organs. Their toxins can affect the brain, cause chronic fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, gas, sleep disorder, colitis, allergies, fibromyalgia, etc.

In our climate, we are exposed to many kinds of invaders, and for many of us it is an ongoing battle with short times of being “clean” before the next round of treatments are needed. I have observed that some people are almost immune to intestinal infection. These people might have heavy diarrhea just for a short time period, but it is over quickly without any treatment. Others are very susceptible, even if they are very careful with disinfection and cleanliness.


Getting infections depends on 2 factors: The pathogenesis of the invaders, and the condition of the host’s environment (defense system and intestines). How can we prevent and avoid these infections? How can we keep our intestines healthy so that they don’t let critters settle in?

Prevention with Sauerkraut and Kefir

The typical diet with processed food, hydrogenated oils, sugars, chemical drugs, and antibiotics are harmful to our intestinal flora. It is most important to know that in addition to taking Probiotics (the good intestinal flora), we can feed the beneficial intestinal flora with their favorite “food”, which is Sauerkraut, fermented vegetables, and Kefir. Yogurt is only beneficial if it contains lactobacillus, which is usually not the case.

I recommend starting carefully with Sauerkraut for the first few days and then taking slowly introducing a bit of the juice, until your system gets used to it. It is best if taken raw, but you can warm it up or mix it into your vegetables or salad. There are many good recipes available and Kefir is available here at the Organic Market on Tuesday.

When you have finished an antibiotic treatment for a parasitic infection, continue for 2-4 weeks with a tincture combination of anti-parasite herbs. For example Estafiate (Artemisia family), Epazote, Chaparro amargo, Nogal (Black Walnut), Ajenjo (Wormwood), and Cloves, diluted in water or as tea. Some of the herbs are more related to parasites, some more to amoebas. Almost all have a very bitter taste.

The use of a single dose of Vermox plus (combination of mebendazol for parasites and quinfamida for amoebas), as a preventative measure in endemic regions, 3- 4 times a year, “might” kill the parasites, but in severe cases of amoebas you must see a medical doctor. He will probably prescribe a drug for 10 days (i.g.metronidazol).

Of course these medications are not healthy, but it is better to get rid of the “critters”, than it is to carry them in your system, where they will do more harm than a chemical drug. While on this treatment, I recommend protecting and supporting your liver, with a herbal combination of milk thistle, dandelion, quassia, and boldo.

Some companies offer parasite herbal based cleansing sets (check out the internet). Colloidal Silver and Grapefruit Seed Extract might also be considered as an alternative treatment.

How to test?

Parasites evade detection and diagnosis better than most human pathogens. Therefore, the diagnostic tests are often false negative or not reliable. If there is any doubt, take a stool sample to 2 different labs, or if it is a negative result, do 2 more tests (in Spanish “coproparasitoscopico”), that include the search for parasites and amoebas. Also check for yeast (levadura).

Bacterial infections (enteritis, typhoid and paratyphoid) can only be examined by a blood test. This test is called “Reacciones febriles” and it checks for salmonella, proteus, and brucella bacterias.

Barbara Rotthaler, German certified Health Practitioner and Naturopath can be reached at 01-376 766 1987 or email:

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