Pain Release Therapy


Therapy against Pain without drugs

What makes it different?

Pain Release Therapy is based on a different understanding of pain. It sees that the cause of pain lies in chronically permanent tense, contracted muscles and connective tissues, including tendons, ligaments and fascias. The tightness of the tissue leads to a cascade of consequences. One is slight deprivation of oxygen. Another is blood and lymphatic vessels are squeezed and nerves get irritated. The result is reduced circulation, lack of nutrition and reduced elimination of waste and toxins from the affected area. The therapist can feel the accumulation of these substances around joints, in muscles and tendons. It comes to adhesions, the tissue feels hard, it sticks together like glue, and it becomes inflexible. Inflammation occurs. This is the stage when finally nerve receptors are sending out messages to the brain, that something is not right anymore. It is the brain that creates the pain (no brain, no pain).

This happens through pain receptors, located everywhere in our tissues. Especially important are the nerve-pain receptors on the bones (called insertions), where tendons of muscles (tendon is the end of a muscle) are connected. These insertions play an important role in one of the treatment methods  (LnB Pain Point or Osteo Pressure Therapy).

We can say, pain is basically a message, that something in our body is not in alignment, out of place, not functioning well. Of course with the deeper meaning:

“Do something to correct it”.

The basic cause of all these contractions is sedentary life style (too much bending forward and sitting), bad postural habits (computer, standing with the weight on one leg etc), injuries, traumas and emotional and physical stress.

The concept of pain release therapy

Over the last 10 years I have developed more effective ways to solve the problems of musculoskeletal pain conditions. Several manual techniques are combined with instructions for body awareness and somatic sensomotoric exercises. It is a holistic approach to the complex condition of pain and dysfunction. Dietary  and life style aspects have to be addressed sometimes too.

The methods

     Osteo Point Pressure Therapy

Pressure is applied on bones, where tendons are connected (insertions). When a muscle is contracted, these points are highly sensitive. The more sensitive, the more important it is to hold the pressure (max 2 min) until the pain subsides, which then indicates that the muscle gets relaxed.  The client has to communicate the intensity of the pain on a scale of 1 – 10. During one session all the tendon insertions of the affected area needs to be checked.  I. g. in cases of knee pain we have about 20 points, from the pelvic bone down the femur, around the knee to the ankle. The pain in some points subsides fast, in some it needs more time.


  • Treatment of myegoloses – Trigger Point Therapy

Trigger points are hard spots in tight and contracted muscles. When pressure is applied on a trigger point, it creates pain in another area of the body. I.g. point on the scapula creates pain in the leg. Pressure on trigger point “melts down” these hard spots.


  • Connective Tissue – Myofascial Treatment

This is mostly work on the fascia, the white thin elastic membrane that surrounds muscles. It provides lubrication to that the muscles can glide and move easily.  In cases of permanent contraction, the fascia looses this function and becomes brittle and stiff. The muscle is like trapped. Typically for this condition are adhesions. The treatment is a rolling movement between the fingers, which is also painful in these spots. This leads immediately to softer and more flexible tissue and indirectly to softer muscles with better capability to react.

  • Pandiculations ( Hanna Sensomotoric  Education)

This is the therapeutic part of the Sensomotoric Education concept according to Thomas Hanna (please look up It is training and re-learning for the brain to be able to voluntarily relax an involuntarily contracted muscle.  When a muscle is chronically (and therefore involuntarily) contracted, the brain looses the ability to control and to relax the muscle. Even one wants to relax the muscle, it is not possible.  This is called sensomotoric amnesia. We can find this phenomenon in almost all cases of chronic stiffness and pain. During the pandiculation the client has to contract the already contracted muscle even more.  With help and feedback from the therapist due to counter-pressure, the person goes through all the degrees of contraction and relaxation.  It is training for the brain to gain back what it has forgotten. Even  it is a gentle work,  it is amazingly effective.


  • Body awareness training

Here we assist the patient to feel what they involuntarily keep contracted in their daily lives and how they can let go of such contractions or avoid them at the first place .Instructions how to walk right is part of the training.


  • Somatic exercises

These very consciously performed home exercises are an extremely important part of the Pain Release Therapy. They help to shorten the number of sessions, speed up the healing time and maintain flexibility and awareness of posture and movements to keep the body healthy and flexible, the basis of  a general feeling of well being.  AND it is also Anti-Aging Therapy!!!! When we can move freely, we feel younger and look younger.

The combination of these different techniques makes the Pain Release Therapy so successful.

Duration and number of treatments

The number of sessions range from 1 – 10 on an average, it depends on the severity of the problem, basic health condition, underlying issues and the participation of the client to do the home work. Usually a therapy session lasts between 60 and 90 min. Affordable treatment plans can be arranged. Please look up my website with more information and articles to health and self healing.

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